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Posted in: Current Events, Overcoming, Restoration


I Can't Breathe ... Without God

We are living in a time of tremendous uncertainty where society is holding its breath. Whether through protests, rioting, retaliation or inactions, we are approaching a boiling point due to the coronavirus, racial tension, religious conflicts, economic disparity and political agendas. All these are symptoms of a much bigger issue called sin. Regardless of the reasons, our world is screaming loudly and clearly, “I Can’t Breathe!” 

Genesis 2:7 states the reason for our existence is solely God. “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (NIV) Yet somehow in the midst of all of our debates about differences and diversity, we’ve chosen to forget the reason that we are walking around on planet earth is because God breathed life into every one of us. He chose to grant every man, woman and child, no matter his or her ethnicity, color or creed, the honor of existence. 

The trigger to Adam and Eve’s sin was not ambition as much as it was their forgetfulness that God the Creator’s breath of life flowed through their bodies. When questioned in the garden, they had every excuse as to why they were hiding. Even today with all of our advancements and enlightenment, we are still making the same excuse of it being someone else’s fault. We, as individuals, are choking on our own sin against God while blaming others for the results of our decisions. And all of the anger and finger pointing taking place are our cries for help that we simply can’t breathe.

BUT there is great news! We Can Breathe!

For while we were still sinners Christ died for us. For He was wounded for our transgression and crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace (the peace that we are protesting for) was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. Until we acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Answer, we will keep on choking on our sin, and ultimate chaos. As we continue to pray for those suffering due to discrimination, we know that the man Christ Jesus also experienced the same hate so that he can bring healing to our world. 

In the midst of our pain and anger, let us be introspective and examine our own hearts. For as we cry out for justice; just know society lacks the ability to regulate the heart BUT Jesus can, and He will once we call out to Him.

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Current Events, Overcoming, Restoration


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